2022 RECYCLING & REFUSE GUIDE - YONKERSNY.GOV - City of Yonkers (2025)

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YONKERS SWITCHES TO RENEWABLE ENERGY Yonkers has joined the Westchester Power Community Energy Program, bringing a 100% renewable energy supply to Yonkers households in 2022. Learn more at www.sustainablewestchester.org/ wp/yonkersCOMING SOON: HOUSEHOLDFOOD SCRAP RECYCLINGFood scraps are one of the largestcomponents of trash sent to landfills andincinerators. Visit www.yonkersny.gov/foodscraps to learn how you can reducewaste by recycling your food scraps. YONKERS RUNS ON ELECTRIC Mayor Spano is shifting the City’s vehicle fleet toward a zero-emission future, with new electric vehicles and charging stations being installed across the city.RECYCLE COACH APPYonkers residents can now access the RecycleCoach app, free of charge, from their desktopcomputers, mobile devices, or through digitalassistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Home.Get your garbage and recycling schedule plusreceive weekly reminders for garbage andrecycling collections. Download the FREE appfrom the App Store and Google play.

IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS HAVE AN EMERGENCY? CALL 911 OR the City’s alternative emergency number 914-377-7777. NEED ASSISTANCE? Contact us 24/7 at 377-HELP (4357) or mayor@yonkersny.gov.CITY OF YONKERSMayor Mike Spano...................................................................... 914-377-6300Animal Shelter .............................................................................. 914-377-6730Assessment...................................................................................... 914-377-6200Bulk Removal Appointments........................................... 914-377-4357City Clerk ............................................................................................ 914-377-6020Code Enforcement .................................................................... 914-377-6888Consumer Protection .............................................................. 914-377-3000Constituent Services................................................................. 914-377-6010Heat Hotline .................................................................................... 914-965-3331Housing & Buildings ................................................................. 914-377-6500Office for the Aging................................................................... 914-377-6823Parking Violations ...................................................................... 914-377-6600Parks Department...................................................................... 914-377-6450Tax Department........................................................................... 914-377-6141Veterans Services ....................................................................... 914-377-6700Water Billing.................................................................................... 914-377-6148Yonkers Fire Department (non-emergency) ........ 914-377-7555Yonkers Police Department (non-emergency) .. 914-377-7900YONKERS CITY COUNCILCity Council President.............Lakisha Collins-Bellamy.........914-377-6060District 1 ........................................Shanae V. Williams .................914-377-6311District 2 ........................................Corazon Pineda-Isaac ...........914-377-6312District 3 ........................................Tasha Diaz ......................................914-377-6313District 4 ........................................John Rubbo ..................................914-377-6314District 5 ........................................Mike Breen .....................................914-377-6315District 6 ........................................Anthony J. Merante ................914-377-6316

S RT IT OUWhat you need to know about recyclin PLASTIC NO: PAINT CANS*, BBQ Coded 1-7, 5 gallons or TANKS, HOUSEHOLD less (e.g., food, beverage, APPLIANCES, detergent, and soap CONSTRUCTION containers, caps and lids) MATERIAL NO PLASTIC BAGS CARTONS Gable-top refrigerated GLASS food and beverage Food and drink jars and cartons, aseptic cartons, bottles, any color juice boxes, ice cream NO: DRINKING GLASSES, containers, milk and CRYSTAL, WINDOW OR juice cartons MIRROR GLASS NO: PAPER CUPS, JUICE POUCHES METAL *Paint cans are to be thrown Food and beverage cans, out as trash. Paint MUST be clean aluminum foil and dried. Dry with litter, sand or trays, empty aerosol cans saw dust, with lid off.ALL RECYCLING MUST BE PLACED IN AN OPEN CONTAINER DO NOT PLACE RECYCLING IN PLASTIC BAGS. YES NO Newspapers Juice boxes Glossy inserts Waxed paper Phone books Glossy gift boxes Magazines Plastic bags Junk mail Brown paper bags Flattened corrugated and gray cardboard boxes

OUTing and garbage collection in Yonkers GENERAL OTHER CARDBOARD HOUSEHOLD REFUSE & PAPER Trash cans should be Hardcover books 32 gallons or less and weigh no more than NOT PERMITTED 50 lbs. Trash cans MUST Ceramics, cookware, be covered. glassware, mirrors, construction debris and NON-METAL BULK ITEMS* windows. Place one item curbside For a complete list, visit on the second pickup of yonkersny.gov/guide the week (except during holiday weeks) – Includes *Metal and non-metal bulk services are only available for chairs, mattresses, sofas, one-to-six-family homes. rugs (3 ft. lengths & tied), tables and other items. YONKERS RECYCLING CENTER 735 SAW MILL RIVER ROAD MONDAY – SATURDAY • 7:30 AM – 4:15 PM BATTERIES METAL & NON-METAL BULK ITEMS* E-WASTE Electronics PROPANE TANKS Empty FLUORESCENT BULBS & LIGHT BALLASTS STYROFOAM Does not include “peanut” HOUSEHOLD styrofoam RECYCLABLES Mixed recyclables, paper *Metal and non-metal bulk recyclables & textiles services are only available for one-to-six-family homes. NO CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS, NO COMMERCIAL VEHICLES OR RENTAL TRUCKS
UNSURE HOW TO DISPOSE OF A PARTICULAR ITEM? Visit our Recycling and Refuse Guide A-Z at yonkersny.gov/guide for a complete list of items, disposal options and instructions. 1 YONKERS ORGANIC YARD 610 NEPPERHAN AVENUE MONDAY – SATURDAY • 7:00 AM – 3:00 PM YARD CLOSED: JANUARY 15 – APRIL 1 LEAVES YARD TRIMMINGS Pickup - Wednesdays Branches up to 10 from Sept. 21 – Dec. 7, inches in diameter. except during holiday Grass clippings are week - see calendar. allowed (Plastic bags are (Must be in brown not permitted) paper leaf bags) SPRING YARD PICK-UP CHRISTMAS TREES April 20 & May 4 & May 18 Remove decorations or drop off at organic and tinsel yard Monday through Saturday did you know? METAL BULK ITEMS* Call the Mayor’s Help You can now recycle Line at 377-HELP your tires! Drop off car (4357) – Includes TVs, and SUV tires (no rims) washers, dryers, air for $5 per tire at the conditioners and other Yonkers Recycling Center. metal items Maximum of four tires per year, per household. X4 *Metal and non-metal bulk services are only available for one-to-six-family homes.Anything littered into a storm drain ends up in our waterways. Please don’t polluteinto storm drains. For complete rules & regulations, visit yonkersny.gov/guide
2022 RECYCLING & REFUSE CALENDAR JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S H 1 P 3 4 5 1 P 3 4 5 2 3 4 P 6 7 8 6 7 8 C 10 H 12 6 7 8 C 10 11 12 9 10 11 C 13 14 15 13 14 15 P 17 18 19 13 14 15 P 17 18 19 16 H M T P Th 22 20 H M T C Th 26 20 21 22 C 24 25 26 23 24 25 C 27 28 29 27 28 27 28 29 P 31 30 31 APRIL MAY JUNE S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 1 2 3 CS 5 6 7 T C Th 4 3 4 5 C 7 8 9 8 9 10 P 12 13 14 5 6 7 P 9 10 11 10 11 12 P 14 15 16 15 16 17 CS 19 20 21 12 13 14 C 16 17 18 17 18 19 CS 21 22 23 22 23 24 P 26 27 28 19 20 21 P 23 24 25 24 25 26 P 28 29 30 29 H M 26 27 28 C 30 JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 1 2 P 4 5 6 1 2 3 3 H M T P Th 9 7 8 9 C 11 12 13 4 H M T C Th 10 10 11 12 C 14 15 16 14 15 16 P 18 19 20 11 12 13 P 15 16 17 17 18 19 P 21 22 23 21 22 23 C 25 26 27 18 19 20 C L 22 23 24 24 25 26 C 28 29 30 28 29 30 P 25 26 27 PL 29 30 31 OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 1 CL Th 4 5 1 2 3 2 3 4 CL 6 7 8 6 7 8* PL 10 H 12 4 5 6 PL 8 9 10 9 H M T PL Th 15 13 14 15 CL 17 18 19 11 12 13 C 15 16 17 16 17 18 CL 20 21 22 20 21 22 PL H Th 26 18 19 20 P 22 23 24 23 24 25 PL 27 28 29 27 28 29 CL 25 H MS TS CSS ThS 31 30 31H Holiday (No Pickup) - Pickup shifts over S Spring Yard Pickup (Place leaves and twigs at the one day that week curb in approved paper bags)M Rescheduled Monday Pickup Alternate side of the street parking suspended – T Rescheduled Tuesday Pickup Meters IN EffectTh Rescheduled Thursday Pickup Alternate side of the street parking suspended – Meters NOT in Effect C Commingles Shred Mobile - call the Mayor’s Help Line P Paper (Pulp)/Cardboard for location 377-HELP (4357) L Leaves (must be in brown paper leaf bags) Christmas Trees to be picked up throughout S Styrofoam - call 377-HELP for pickup the week between December 27-31 Use of gas-powered leaf blowers is prohibited * Regular Tuesday garbage pick-up scheduled
PRST STD U.S. POSTAGE CITY OF YONKERS • MAYOR MIKE SPANO PAID WHITE PLAINS, NY CITY HALL PERMIT 661 40 SOUTH BROADWAY YONKERS, NY 10701cityofyonkersmayormikespano@cityofyonkers@mayormikespano@cityofyonkers@mayormikespanomayormikespanocityofyonkers@cityofyonkers914 Spanish Version Available - Para leer en Español, por favor visite yonkersny.gov
2022 RECYCLING & REFUSE GUIDE - YONKERSNY.GOV - City of Yonkers (2025)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.